Lovely Scarf

Scarf For my Hubby

A simple but elegant pattern which looks and feels great. The pattern keeps it light and stretchable


Hook size: 7mm

Ch till required scarf length

Row 1: ch 3, skip 1 ch, dc on next ch, ch 1, skip 1ch in base row, dc on next ch, repeat till end of chain

Row 2-X:  ch 4, dc on loop of the prev row,ch 1, repeat till end of row.


Its been a long time since I had done crochet… Suddenly felt an urge to start again… I was searching for what to work on and ended up with Scarf.. I had searched a lot and found this pattern good for a scarf…Its light stretchable and looks great. The dull decent coloured one is for me and the bright funky coloured one is for my son. 🙂
